Alison McMillan

I'm involved in many different activities, some academic, some other professional, and some that are really only hobbies (music). Information about me and my activities is available through various websites, most of which are constrained by a particular purpose, and do not have the scope to capture everything. The purpose of this webpage is to curate all this information in one place.

Some of these websites are not controled by me, so if there are links that don't work, I would be very glad if you could let me know, so that I can update them. Thank you.

Alison McMillan at


I work at Wrexham Glyndwr University, where I have a 0.4 FTE position as Professor in Aersopace Technology.

As part of this role, I have lead the CoMManDO Research Centre, and organise various conferences, seminars or other events. I supervise PhD students. From time to time I give workshops as part of the programme of the postgraduate research activity of the university.



A few examples of the outreach activities I have undertaken:
  • A night sky observation study in March 2021
  • For The Relief of Our Planet 2021, which is a series of 10 webinars looking at science endeavour in the context of the past and future


There are a number of online tools that catalogue academic publications and other activities:

  • Orcid: 0000-0003-4191-096X lists my publications, brief career details, and my peer review activity
  • Google Scholar provides a profile of almost all publications including patents
  • ResearchGate provides a repository for accessible versions of publications, including conference posters and slides
  • Scopus lists my high-quality publications
  • To find my patents, turn on "Advanced search" and put "Alison McMillan" into the "Inventor" field of the Espacenet Patent Search tool.