Chamil Abeykoon, Alison McMillan, Bao Kha Nguyen
Energy efficiency in extrusion-related polymer
processing: A review of state of the art and potential efficiency improvements
Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews Volume 147, 2021, 111219, ISSN 1364-0321. Accepted Version (publisher
policy [pathway a] author's Homepage)
Share Link free access to the
published version until 10 July 2021.
Henry C. Burridge, Rajesh K. Bhagat, Marc E. J. Stettler, Prashant Kumar, Ishanki De Mel,
Panagiotis Demis, Allen Hart, Yyanis Johnson-Llambias, Marco-Felipe King, Oleksiy Klymenko,
Alison McMillan, Piotr Morawiecki, Thomas Pennington, Michael Short, David Sykes, Philippe H. Trinh,
Stephen K. Wilson, Clint Wong, Hayley Wragg, Megan S. Davies Wykes, Chris Iddon, Andrew W. Woods,
Nicola Mingotti, Neeraja Bhamidipati, Huw Woodward, Clive Beggs, Hywel Davies, Shaun Fitzgerald,
Christopher Pain and P. F. Linden
The ventilation of buildings and other mitigating measures for COVID-19: a focus on wintertime
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 477, Issue 2247, Published: 17 March 2021 Open Access, CC BY 4.0
D V Elenev, Yu M Zabolotnov and A J McMillan
Aerodynamic space tether system as a system with distributed parameters
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 1060, online 012016, Published: February 2021 Open Access, CC BY 3.0
A J McMillan
Opportunities and prejudices in synthetic experiments
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 1060, online 012018, Published: February 2021 Open Access, CC BY 3.0
Alison McMillan
Sir Francis Bacon: Parallels in time between 1620 and 2020
Newsletter, History of Physics Group of the Institute of Physics Volume 38, pp 53-65, Published: December 2020, (not peer reviewed), ISSN 1756-168X
Volume Open Access